Hi Gil, I've just finished browsing one part of your
web site that was new to me; naturism. I guess, like your wife, I would
have a hard time skinny dipping at my age and after so many million
years of taboos, but I still remember fondly the first time that I
experienced the freedom. It was right after nurses training. I took a
job for the month of August 1943 at a summer camp in Sturbridge, Ma.
called Robinson Crusoe. They had a beautiful site, with two lakes, one
for boating and the other for swimming. During rest periods on
alternate days the female staff used the bathing area to skinny dip. So
I tried it several times until I learned that leeches were in the
water. That killed it, although none ever attached themselves to me,
nor did I ever witness them on anyone else... I'll get back to it for
another look soon. I like it.